SEF’s Public Policy Priorities

The Southern Education Foundation’s latest education justice agenda urges state lawmakers throughout the South to adopt five recommendations informed by a broad base of southern community members, research and policy experts, advocates, and early education and K-12 practitioners. SEF urges lawmakers to use their legislative responsibility to support transformational investments for historically underresourced schools and communities. We understand the systemic educational challenges of today are far too great for one organization or group to tackle alone. With this publication, we hope policymakers take this moment to reinvigorate state expectations and imagine a future in which all our students can flourish. Our top priorities for this year include:

  • Invest in Statewide Infrastructure to Improve Early Childhood Education
  • Prioritize Investments That Strengthen Public Education
  • Protect Students’ Right to Learn
  • Increase Access to Higher Education by Making College More Affordable for Students in Low-Income Households
  • Elevate and Invest in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

Download SEF’s Policy Priorities